Home Holidays The color of the wedding dress

The color of the wedding dress

by alanews

Since the wedding is considered the most important and important day in the girl’s life, the wedding outfit, respectively, is the most important outfit in her life.

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They choose a wedding dress for a long time and diligently, trying to choose one that will be fashionable, beautiful, emphasizes the advantages of the figure and hide the flaws, and of course, suitable in price.

The concept of “wedding dress” exists in almost all countries of the world. This is a special ceremonial dress that you need to wear a girl to mark the transition to the status of a wife. Even the ancient Greeks had the tradition of dressing brides in special outfits and choosing an elegant wedding bouquet of the bride.

In all countries and at all times, the color of the wedding dress was of great symbolic importance. However, do not think that it was the white dress that always dressed for the wedding. For example, in Europe, the Middle Ages were dressed in blue and pink dresses, and in Russia the brides dressed up for centuries in red sundresses.

White color does not have a festive meaning in all cultures. It is not surprising that in the Middle Ages in Europe, the bride would never have dressed a white dress, because the convicts dressed white clothes if they knew that they were granted a pardon, and the queens wore during mourning (up to 17 c.). In ancient Greece, White was a symbol of sacrifice. And in our time in countries located in Central Asia, as well as in India, white is a symbol of mourning.

However, starting from 19 in. White color gradually won the hearts of brides. After in 1840. The English Queen Victoria put on her wedding a white dress, many representatives of the Higher Belarus followed her example. In Russia of the 20th century, a white dress has become a mandatory attribute of a wedding.

Nevertheless, time goes on, and now the era of wedding dresses of various colors is coming. Collections of wedding salons were replenished with dresses of cream, yellow, pink, blue, pistachio and even red colors. Modern brides choose a wedding dress to the color of the skin and eyes, the suit of the groom, and even the time of the year. Do not forget that your figure should also be impeccable, and therefore take care of a great course from Gillian Michaels.

Typically, light green, pink and lilac tones, blondes are golden, white or pink, red -haired girls – beige and creamy, brunettes are suitable for wedding dresses of almost all colors, even red. An excellent solution for those who areware of moving away from tradition, but still want something unusual, white dresses decorated with insignificant elements of other colors.

In order to determine, a wedding dress of which color is suitable for you, you need to spend time on trying on dresses of various colors, because the main thing for the bride at the wedding is beautiful!

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