Home The property Slate and ondulin – pros and cons of

Slate and ondulin – pros and cons of

by alanews

Slate is made from asbestos cement. Can be wave and flat. For the roof, wave slate is used. It is available in different sizes – B0, having the correct shape of a rectangle, WU, in the form of an elongated rectangle, and uv – the average value between the first and second options. Can be painted with water-dispersion compositions. Slate has a number of positive qualities.

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At a relatively low price, it is cold, fire-, moisture resistant, moreover, is quite easy to use. The disadvantages of this material are its fragility, a tendency to the appearance of mosses on the surface, as well as the loss of some positive qualities during operation, for example, moisture resistance. Ondulin (soft slate) is made of cellulose fibers impregnated with bitumen.

The positive qualities of Ondulin include its lightness, a large, compared to slate, durability, moisture resistance, simplicity of styling, elasticity, which allows the area that have a curved surface. Disadvantages-the lack of fire-retardant properties and the ability to attract dirt due to the rough surface. Also, Ondulin costs much more than the slate, while it has large sizes than slate.

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