Home The beauty Plasterboard ceilings

Plasterboard ceilings

by alanews

Plasterboard ceilings

If the apartment has uneven ceilings, there is only one way out – it is to align them. But what is better to do? There are many options. But more convenient, this is done using drywall.

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With the help of drywall, it is much easier to make the surface of the ceiling even, leveled horizontally and smooth. First you need to install the profile. It is installed at a minimum distance from the main ceiling so as not to reduce the size of the room. But if we have very high, then with the help of this type of repair it is very easy. To do this, on the wall there are markings, for all the corners of the room.

So that this marking is flat can be used water level. We draw control lines between marks on the wall. It’s easier to do this with a thread with a blue or chocline. The next steps in aligning the ceiling will be pulled by the thread between the two marking points.

This is done in order to get a flat line that will serve as a guide. Further from special profiles for drywall frame. Choose a corner in the room that has 90 ° or close to this figure. We determine the direction of drywall sheets. When installing every 50 cm, we mark two opposite walls along the direction of drywall sheets.

The last thing to do is to shut up the profile of drywall.

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