Home Economics German lying drathaar – a hardy hunter

German lying drathaar – a hardy hunter

by alanews

“Scheduhaar” in translation means “hard -haired”. Refers to hunting breeds. Bred at the end of the 19th century. I needed a working, universal dog that would be comfortable in content and could hunt several types of animals. To create such a dog, several breeds were combined-Stikhelhaar, Poodle Punter, German Kurtshaar and Certalt Griffin.

Now this breed is well -deserved popularity. It is especially appreciated by hunters for what can work in any conditions and in various areas – in water, in the forest, in the open field.

Scheduhaar is one of the most hardy dogs. Works both before the shot, and after. Great holds the rack, can work perfectly on the trail, find wounded, raise game and bring the owner. This dog will go to tall grass and in an impassable swamp. The same dog of this breed can hunt a boar, a woodcock and an elk.

In addition to hunting qualities, this breed has a special attachment to a person. The dog is very intelligent, hardy, with a stable psyche, perfectly lends itself to training, has security qualities, a wonderful watchman. Perfectly applies not only to the owner, but also to other family members.

Drathara – good -natured dogs. For them, aggression aimed at a person is considered a vice. Therefore, with them it will be comfortable for both an adult and the child. This is a dog – a companion.

Despite the fact that this animal is perfectly adapted to any conditions, the “sofa” method of maintaining this dog and walking on the leash will not allow it to fully develop. The workshop should run a lot, be physically tempered and develop its hunting qualities. And this can only be hunted for the drathaaru. No wonder representatives of this particular breed more often than other hunting dogs take prizes. Hunting allows you to show all the possibilities of the dog. However, innate hunting qualities must be modified, honed, directed in the right direction. And the drathaara, like any dog, “does” a person. But due to the fact that representatives of this breed are easily trained, it is not difficult and easy to deal with them.

So that the pet grows up healthy, it is accustomed to some hygienic procedures, for example, claw cutting. Also, the dog should freely allow the ears, eyes, paws to inspect. You should not often bathe the animal, it will be enough 1-2 times a year. So that there is no irritation, use special shampoos for hard -haired dogs. But comb the wool 1-2 times a week. This regular and simple care will avoid many troubles. If you do not know how to feed a hunting dog, it is advisable to study this issue on the forums devoted to this particular breed or consult in a veterinarian.

Scheduhaar is a friend who can easily conquer any heart.

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