Home The beauty Detoxification (cleansing) of the body at home

Detoxification (cleansing) of the body at home

by alanews

If you feel sleepy and sluggish, there have been problems with the concentration of attention, and the food seems completely tasteless for several days, then, most likely, too many toxins and slag have accumulated in your body. Cleaning the body from the remnants of food that is in the intestines will restore your appetite, you will feel much easier and better. Detoxification of the body can be carried out not only in expensive sanatoriums, but also at home using folk methods. They are simple, natural and effective.

one. Black radish

Cleansing the body of toxins should start with black radish juice. To do this, you need 3 black radishes through a juicy squeezer. The resulting juice must be diluted with the same amount of boiled water. Take one throat during the day. Black radish juice helps to remove toxins from the gallbladder.

2. Cabbage juice

The head of white cabbage is diligently washed with running water and cut into 4 parts, then passed through the composer. The resulting juice is poured into a sealed container and stored in the refrigerator. Drink 2 cups per day for 7 days. Cabbage juice is great for cleansing the liver and intestines.

3. Juice from Luke-Lean

Two pieces of onion are thoroughly washed under running water and pass through the coater. The finished juice is poured into dense dishes and put in storage in the refrigerator. Take 2 times a day for one week for 1 cup. Juice made of onion-leather is ideal for cleansing the whole organism.

four. Cleaning the joints with a bay leaf

5 g of bay leaves are laid out in a small saucepan and poured 1.5 cups of just boiled water. Then boil over low heat for 4 minutes. Then filter and drink a warm decoction of 3 sips every half an hour for 3 days. A decoction of laurel leaves is a good cleansing method for the joints.

5. Black currant juice

Two tablespoons of black currant berries are covered with a glass of boiling water, covered with a dense lid and insisted for 15 minutes. Then the tincture is filtered and drunk immediately. The course of cleansing the body in this way should last 2 weeks.

6. Bread and water

If you are too nervous with a lack of appetite, you can try to hold a one -day post on bread and water. The whole task is that during one day you do not eat anything except dry bread and do not drink any drinks except mineral water without gas (or water from a pure source). It is recommended to take only one type of bread, without fillers, on a natural leaven. The next day you will feel much easier, a feeling of hunger will return, which means appetite.

Such folk methods of detoxification of the body are safe for health, but before the start of purification, you should consult a specialist doctor.

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