Home The beauty Independent laying of linoleum

Independent laying of linoleum

by alanews

Linoleum is one of the cheapest and easiest to use floor decoration options.

To facilitate the process of laying linoleum, it is necessary to remove all the furniture from the finished room and dismantle old skirting boards. After that, the quality of the old coating is checked and all large irregularities and nails are removed, as they can cause cracks on the canvas. If you want to buy high -quality wallpaper, then we recommend you Paravox products.

After thorough measurement, using a roulette of the size of the floor, linoleum with small allowances in length is bought.

The acquired linoleum is rolled out on the surface of the floor, leveled along one of the walls and, after several hours of lying, designed to smoot and stretch the canvas, is cut along the line of the other wall. The gap between the walls and the edge of the linoleum should be no more than 5 mm.

The latest step can again be attached to the plinth. The usual wooden is attached using dowels and screws. Modern plastic ones allow you to hide in the space between the plinth body and the bar of electric and other communication wires.

After the installation of skirting boards, furniture is entered and arranged. For less abrasion of linoleum to her legs, you can glue pieces of felt.

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