Home The property How to equip a small summer cottage?

How to equip a small summer cottage?

by alanews

Owners of suburban land plots are well aware that the level of residence in the house located on it depends on how efficiently it is equipped. Therefore, this issue should be paid to great attention. The process of arrangement itself involves the manufacture of paths on the site, planting garden plants, the construction of a terrace, a pool and other similar objects.

Arrangement work usually needs to start with zones planning, and only after that start laying tracks. At the same time, it is very important that the tracks are planned taking into account the convenience of using them, since otherwise, over time, not very beautiful paths will appear on the lawns, which, as a rule, spontaneously arise in places of the most optimal routes. In some cases, the tracks should not be rushed until the moment until all residents of the house determine the most convenient traffic routes for themselves.

After the paths are already planned, you can proceed to their final arrangement, making a coating of stone, tiles or other materials for them, in a wide range of presented today on sale. Since today the goods for the garden and the garden are quite diverse, it is not difficult to equip garden paths at their own discretion.

When equipping the site, one should also not forget about the terrace. Usually such a structure is placed near the house. For this, in most cases, it is enough to make a paved site. Terrace is the place where you can have a good time, arrange a family dinner or a friendly party. In order to create an atmosphere of solitude and rest on the terrace, experts recommend using screens of green spaces in the form of decorative shrubs, perennial climbing plants located on trellises and gratings.

Not superfluous in the suburban area is a pond. This design is built quite quickly, at present the most rational solution is to buy a ready -made pond from plastic. The main point in this case will be the correct selection of aquatic plants. Practice has shown that it is best to settle water lilies in the pond, while the arrowman will look good in shallow water, and on the shore of the pond it is good to plant irises.

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